
Monday, January 18, 2010

1937 Colonial Revival Miniature House/Model

Here's my newly finished house.  It comes from a picture I found in a Veranda Magazine. I thought it looked too cute to pass up!

 All the windows have each little pane divided and each shutter has little louvers.

There's even a little house for birds!  


The Chimney and front step Are made of light weight concrete carved to look like little bricks. 

I made each of the pots. The leaves and flowers are paper I dyed then cut into shape and glued in my little pots.


The siding is put on one piece at a time, overlapping like real siding. The shingles too are cut out one by one and each laid down in a pattern. The little bird house has its roof done in the same manner.  


Here is what the original house looked like:

                  Veranda:David Schilling             



  Available at: Cinderella Moments                                     


  1. Awesome. I have been doing some blog reading to take my mind off the problem I have at the moment with hubby's health. We are having problems with his blood sugars dropping to low. It takes a while but I can bring it up. I really like your houses. I always wanted a doll house, but I don't have room for it. You take care.

  2. Oh My Gosh! What a house. What detail. Beautiful.

  3. OMG I love it!!! Is it one room or more? I just love little houses!!!
    Margaret B

  4. You did a Fabulous Job and the Details are your Finesse!
    Love the pearl doorknob also!

    Smiles, Cyndi
