
Monday, December 20, 2010

New Project: A Customized Romantic Dollhouse Gazebo

  My plan was to take a week away from miniature world. Since Christmas is this week and with it comes all this busy busy fun! But I couldn't keep to that plan. I went into the Cinderella Moments closet to get shipping supplies and the gazebo box fell at my feet. A sign!! I can take a hint!
  I had this gazebo all planned in my head already of course! I have 1000s of magazines I keep. And each one has fantastic pictures that I know will turn into a project. I can remember exactly which magazine each picture is in, but I can't remember people's names or my own phone number. Go figure! For this gazebo, these are the pictures I collected:

There's the Faconnable catalog below. They have the best photos of old stones. If they knew that this is why I love their catalog! LOL!

Then the Country Home magazine. I couldn't pass up this amazing chandelier!
Mine is almost done. I just need to add the roses and a few crystals.

And I love the magical picture I saw in a Victoria magazine. Those are all pink petals on the ground.
I'm not sure how much patience that would require to get all these petals made and glued on. We'll see if I do this part. Maybe on a smaller scale! Like at a corner or something.
I started making roses. I figure I need a million of those!

And here's the gazebo with the stone floor started.

I painted everything a base color off white. It's called coconut milk. It was one of those quarts someone messed up at the home improvement store. Worked for me!
 The dots on the top of the roof line are just glue dots painted. The trellis design just under is cardboard I cut with one of those amazing hole punchers. Painted it looks like a fabulous detailed molding.

Next time you see this floor it should be looking like old stones.


  1. I love this so far. It seems like it is going to be very soft and feminine. Can't wait for more. =)

  2. I had to come to visit tonight. I love your Christmas doll house. It is so adorable. I can't wait to see how the gazebo turns out. I always look at doll houses. Have a wonderful weekend. Merry Christmas from your Missouri Friend.

  3. It's going to be GORGEOUS!! What a great idea to do a gazebo :)

  4. Caroline,
    I don't know how you keep coming up with such marvellous ideas for dollhouses. But I'm so glad you do!
    I love seeing them come to life, and can't wait to see this Gazebo when it is finished.

  5. Oh what a wonderful project !

  6. i have been out of blogland for a while so i have been missing out on all your amazing creations! i am sure you'll have this little guy complete in like 2 days like the gypsy trailer :)

    ur amazing! can't wait to see your progress!!

  7. I am sure your gazebo will be to die for, waiting in anticipation!

  8. I love that coconut milk off white paint. I like the idea of using cardboard and a punch to create that beautiful trellis design along with the painted glue dots. I'm learning a lot from you. Are you familiar with the Kim Jacobs calendars? They could be a good source of inspiration for you.

  9. Wow, it's amazing to see the 'bare bones' of something before you 'glam' it up and 'beautify' it!! This is going to be a gorgeous piece. Can't wait to see all of the mini roses on it!!!!

  10. Wow, Such a gorgeous-looking Gazebo it is. A perfect model of a Gazebofor a wedding. Gazebos are indeed best for any type of outdoor hangouts. Can't wait to see it completely done.
