
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sprinkled With Love Cottage and Ballerina Cottage Dollhouses

Sprinkled With Love Cottage is coming along. In fact, in will be finished very soon.
The windows still need to be paned. This dollhouse has the battery operated lights with the switch and battery hidden in the chimney.
These are pine shingles painted gray and cut with a special edge scissor.

For Ballerina cottage I decided to do the first electric light dollhouse in Cinderella Moment history! OK it's not so dramatic. Actually it is so simple I can't believe I put off trying it out for so long!
I got the Cir-Kit starter kit:
I got it at Hobby Lobby. I also bought 2 light bulbs to make my own chandelier.
I cut off the plug part of the light bulbs and stripped the wires. There is an incredibly simple tutorial about the whole electric thing here:
If I had found this before I wouldn't have hesitated for so long.

The tape is super easy to stick on. I used needlenose pliers to put the tiny eyelets and brads in with no problems.
The chandelier has one light in the middle. For the next project I'll try putting a bulb on each arm. But for now this will do.
This is the ceiling medallion for the chandelier.
I used plaster on the walls and it covered the electrical tape with no problem.
The medallion and this rose decoration above the window are by Melissa Frances. I get these cuties from Niki at Artistic Supplies on Etsy. She has the best prices and a huge selection. These are perfectly sized for dollhouses!! Love them.
The outside still looks the same. The mirrors have been hard to deal with! I was able to strip them of the paint. But the patina is hard to achieve.


  1. I can't believe you this is your first time electrifying a house. I still have not tried since I'm very intimidated by the process! Wishing you luck with your progress of this beautiful house!

  2. Everything is looking stunning as usual, thank you for the etsy link too I was wondering where to thoose.

  3. I love your cottages and following your work. When I see your posts always think I'm in a good dream.

  4. Me encantan las tejas que has puesto en With Love Cottage, son tan originales.
    Gracias por la explicacion de como has puesto la luz en la casita de la bailarina y gracias tambien por los enlaces.
    besitos ascension

  5. Great work! When can I move in?
    -Kim :)

  6. Oh I somehow don't think putting electricity into a miniature cottage would be quite that easy for me!!! You must have steady hands to work with such small things. They're looking amazing though, can't wait to see the finished result!!
