
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Quintessential Cottage Dollhouse

I'm making a new cottage dollhouse called Quintessential Cottage. 
On this house I did the porch a little different by keeping the floor longer than the porch roof.  I already wired all the lights with battery operated lights I bought at Evan designs:
The front and this side have premixed concrete used as stucco and also as carved out bricks.  The timber is wood pieces.
On the other side, I used birch siding that I glued on vertically.
Inside, I did the downstairs ceiling light and the upper ceiling dark. I'm thinking this will make a great cozy cottage look. Both ceilings are Popsicle sticks, even the beams.
The fireplace will get these flickering lights put in to look like a real fire. I just hide them in sticks I find outside. Add a little moss and you get a pretty little roaring fire.
You can find the mini fire led lights here:
Till next time!


  1. Your new cottage is looking gorgeous, Caroline! Thank you so much for the links to lighting products. I LOVE the idea of a flickering fireplace! *swoon* Can't wait to see more, as always! xo Jennifer

  2. Tu nueva casa se ve preciosa!! cómo logras dar ese aire vintage tan auténtico! Las luces para la chimenea son un gran invento. Un abrazo

  3. What a great idea to extend the front porch! Room for a hammock maybe:) Love the little flickering lights! I can't wait to see it all finished!

  4. This is so exciting! I love the cottage so far. I have said before and I will say it again...I love your style & ability to mesh the feminine touches with the rustic construction to create the most charming and inviting spaces. I can't wait to see more, Caroline.

  5. Wow, your new house looks already gorgeous, Caroline! You're right that the inside looks much cosier with the dark and the light difference on the ceilings. Thank you for sharing the links for the mini fire led lights! They will give much more possibilities for giving a nice hearth fire :)! I wish I could find these type of led lights in The Netherlands!
    Hugs, Ilona

  6. Once again a fabulous cottage. Love the fireplace idea thanks for the hint. It is super.

  7. Es increible la capacidad que tienes para crear esas maravillosas casas, todas distintas pero con ese ambiente que tanto me gusta.

  8. Hi Caroline, your new cottage is looking fabulous, I always wonder how you manage to create a different cottage everytime :)
    Thank you so much for the link to lighting product, because the dont´t have them over here.
    Have a wonderful week :)

    Hugs Mieke xxx.

  9. Thanks for the links. So handy as it's hard to find just what you need. X

  10. is being beautiful, Segoro be amazing when you're done. You are great!
    Thanks for the links, it is very interesting.
    A big hugs.

  11. Me encanta como te ha quedado la casa de campo. Seguro que cuando este terminada es una preciosidad.

  12. Amazing! I really like the fireplace idea.

  13. Caroline...
    Every time I see one of your new cottages, I so wish I had a full size one to use a "writer's retreat". Each one so charming.

  14. Tu nueva casa es encantadora,la idea del porche más amplio,me parece magnífica,así sus habitantes podrán ver la puesta de sol desde sus hamacas!!!
    Las luces para la chimenea son una idea genial! gracias por el enlace.
    Esperando ver más avances!

  15. It looks great! I can't wait to see it finished!
