Monday, August 24, 2009

French Villa Miniature House

My latest cottage is this French Villa style with stucco and stone.. Great roof with lots of character.

This house is made entirely of cardboard. The shingles are individually cut, shaped and painted.
I had to move the fireplace to the front of the house. On the real house it is much further back since the house is so deep.
Each window has a frame, molding, sill, and mullion individually applied.
The front door and garage door are also framed. They are built just like the real doors. Layer after layer for great dimension.

The house is covered with concrete mix. The front of the house is sculpted to look like Austin stone
The front door is recessed under a porch. The ceiling of the porch is wood planks just like the real one! is
This is the first house I've had the architect's plans for. It was a wonderful help! Wish more
people had them!

Want to turn your house into a miniature?
Info at:


  1. This is crazy!!! It looks amazing...if you don't know it's a miniature, and you only look at the pictures, you think is the real thing. What a craft and talent!! Congrats!!! You should be proud!

  2. Hi and thank you for stopping by mammabellarte. Great houses, have you thought of having some all glitter up for the Holidays? Ciao

  3. OMG! This is just amazing! Such detail, boy you have more patience than me ;) Reallt tho, just gorgeous!

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! How beautiful!

    Thank you so much for coming by my Blog and visiting today :)

    LuLu Kellogg~*

  5. Oh my, I am in awe at what you have done! This would take great precision and must take so long so long to do one. That is sooo amazing! I am so glad you showed this. Thank you for commenting on my blog, come back again some time. Now I am going to see what else you have made. Hugs, Cindy S

  6. Wow!! What an amazing talent you have! That is beautiful...looks like the real thing. Way to go!

  7. this is amazing work!I can't believe how much detail you put into it. WOW WOW WOW~ thanks for sharing!

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