Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gypsy Travel Trailer Dollhouse

I'm nearing the end of the interior construction!  The bathtub turned out pretty well.

I love the patina color. The faucets are made of wire. The toughest part of this faucet was waiting for the glue to dry.

So I chose the metal baking pan for the tub. I have other plans for the other tub.
 I made the counter piece and a little painting.

Here's the painting(signed of course!)

 And the counter. I had to switch things around a little in my trailer. I put this counter on the left wall. In the original Magnolia Pearl Airstream there is a shelf on this side. But I thought this piece would fit better.

I Painted the scroll at the top. The rest is pieces of pretty papers. The red ones are actually pictures of Persian rugs.

This chandelier is one of the two that will light up.

These curtains and the ones separating the room have been sprayed with hairspray(a tip from Liberty Biberty) so they stay in stiff, in  place.

                     Click here to go see the Magnolia Pearl Airstream


  1. Hi Caroline,
    Oh Wow, you have made a lot of progress there. Love how the bathtub came out, think you made the right choice with the squarish one, looks so cute, and what a great job you did on the faucets!! so neat!
    It is truly coming out so well.
    Someone who has flamboyant taste is really gonna love this lil beauty!!
    Can't wait to see the finished product, which I imagine will be really soon, you are making such quick progress on it!!
    Have a Happy Sunday Evening Sweetie,
    Blessings to you and yours, Nellie

  2. have i mentioned you are amazing? and crazy? and magical?! lol. GREAT JOB!! do you ever sleep?!

  3. Haha, if Magoo think's you're crazy you must be REALLY CRAZY!! cos she's one crazy gal herself ;)

    It's all coming togther fabulously, the bathtub worked out great, good job on the tapware! And love the little painting, and the painted countertop, it's these handworked details that give that special charm to a project. I have no idea how you're going to come up with a project to top this one!!

  4. Oh my God, another MASTERPIECE!!!!!!!
    As I have told you a hundred times: You are gifted, lady!!

  5. Wow!! Fantastic job..I'm so impressed, I really love it!!

  6. Caroline, if I were a bit smaller I'm quite sure I could live in this! I so love what you have created. I love how your mind works... how it must be full to overflowing with whimsy and creativity. Well done! I know you must get immense enjoyment from your projects, and I get immense enjoyment from viewing them. Thanks for sharing your wonderful imagination and talent with us.

  7. Caroline, te esta quedando genial!!!!
    a bañera fantastica y todos los detalles encantadores.
    Me encanta!!!
    besitos ascension

  8. I am continually amazed by your work. So much fun!

  9. Wow!!!
    This is so insanely beautiful!!!!
