Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ballerina Cottage Custom Dollhouse

Before I update you on Ballerina Cottage I have to say thank you to Deb of Zur Designs for featuring Sprinkled With Love Dollhouse on her blog.
Thanks so much Deb!
 Ballerina Cottage got it's coat of concrete.
I just butter it on...
Then I used a brush with 3 teeth and pulled it through the concrete while it's wet and I get a design.

After all the sides were done I started painting.

I used a golden brown. It's a little bright right now. I will do some aging later on.
Inside, I added some little details.
The dresses are from the scrapbook section in the craft store. I printed out some pictures and photos from the internet using the contact sheet setting on the printer. It shrinks things down to a good size.

I used varnish on the photos for a glossy finish.
I also put this teacup with some old tea and a teabag like the ballerina left it there a couple days ago and hasn't had time to clean it up.  I just used some water based stain and let it dry in there. It kind of looks like chocolate. But I think if you left your teabag in a cup for a couple of days it would look this dark.  There's a ballet book, a ballet program and a ballet instructor application next to the cup. Our ballerina is thinking about teaching ballet!


  1. Tus casas son para enamorarse de ellas, todas preciosas y cada una muy a su estilo.
    Gracias por la foto del concreto!
    Un abrazo

  2. I LOVE the extra details, the tutu is just tutu cute :-)

  3. Wow, Caroline! All of the ballerina details are soooooo wonderfully cute! I adore it! :-D Jennifer

  4. Oh Caroline..your attention to detail is mind-boggling. Perfect!
    By the by the Ohio Valley Ant. Mall
    takes 3 hrs to walk through! They're open 9a-9p sooooo go thru every booth and case...LOL...plan a weekend 8o)

  5. Everything looks so lovely! Cute details everywhere!

  6. Sweetheart studio, although I do not like ballet. Ballet dress is not rude! Very light and flavorful. Work for some reason went the opposite: first the interior, exterior later ...

  7. cuantos detalles!
    felicitaciones! maravillosa casa.

  8. I love this house.
    You are so creativ !!

  9. Me encanta el acabado que le estas dando a la casa por fuera.ç
    Por dentro es simplemente preciosa.
    besitos ascension

  10. The ballerina details are amazing! I like the exterior of the house.
    Bye Faby

  11. I am always so amazed at what you can achieve with the concrete! Wonderful!!!!!! I love this so much Caroline ♥

  12. Great work as usual, both with the concrete and the tuille ;-)
    Love, Susanne

  13. Thank you for showing how you make your houses! This one too is beautiful.

  14. This is absolutely lovely! I really love your work! You are very talented! Amy

  15. Gorgeous, amazing, creative, beautiful... whomever gets this custom dollhouse will LOVE it. The entry-way is so pretty (and REAL looking!) and the inside, with all of your little beautiful additions, is to die for. Wonderful, pretty, fascinating... you are the Queen of Dollhouses. (I just decided: that is my new name for you.)
    Gloria xxoo

  16. I really, really love this one! You are so creative. I love the pictures that you put up everywhere, it really adds to the realism. And the tutu's are to die for!

  17. Hi Caroline, this house looks so sweet, with all this romantic details.
    Every time I think " this is the best house you made ", and then you come up with another one, now I like this one best :)
    Have a great weekend !!

    Hugs Mieke xxx

  18. Hi Caroline, Congratulations on being feature in two blogs. I love your ballerina doll house. The front is amazing with the concrete look. All of the details are amazing. I always enjoy visiting and looking at the progress you are making. Have a great weekend. Your Missouri Friend.

  19. O.k....I am seriously ***swooning*** over this one too! You totally amaze me with your incredible imagination and the ability to put it out there like you do!

  20. Está quedando preciosa. Me gusta tanto el interior como el exterior y el vestido es una maravilla. Saludos.

  21. Wonderful attention to detail! What on earth did you use to make concrete?

    1. Hi Roni! I get the concrete already mixed in the paint section of the hardware store. Here's a link to what it looks like:
      It's a patch concrete. Works great for minis! hugs♥,
